1. Game Description
Transporter is a game that robot transport specified target to assigned goal in WIRC official playfield in time. The robot who transports all targets and returns at time closest to given time will win the game. It is essential to understand participant’s own robot fully, dynamics and physical laws about robot, sensor control techniques, and programming in order to construct robot and program it.
2. Robot rule
2-1. Robot type: No restriction 2-2. Construction
2-2-1. Size: robot should be smaller than 18cm x 22cm (W x L)
2-2-2-1. Size measurement
2-2-2-1-1. Official inspection: Structure size will be measured on the measuring board before the competition and robot must be switched on to be measured.
2-2-2-1-2. Self-check: Participants should self-check the size during construction time and practice time.
2-2-2-1-3. When it starts, robot must be same form as official inspection
2-2-2. Weight : No restriction 2-2-3. Sensor : No restriction
2-3. Power source
2-3-1. Robot should work with an independent electric power supply; it cannot use a combustible device.
2-3-2. There are no limitations on type of battery or voltage level.
2-4. Operation : No restriction
2-5. Structures in mission
2-5-1. Robot should include structure that can lift and transport targets.
2-6. Programming and Control
Robot is not allowed to be programmed or controlled. Robot should not be touched after starting match.
3. Playfield rule
3-1. Playfield
3-1-1. Structure
3-1-1-1. Size and placement
Two blocks with size 160cm x 120cm( ±10%) are connected by bridge.
3-1-1-2. Bridge is 25cm(±10%) wide, and may combine straight and curved lines.
3-1-1-3. Playfield may be inclined less than 2 degrees, and may have height or gap less than 0.3cm (±10%).
3-1-1-4. There is no acrylic wall around playfield
Detail Rule >>>
Track Robot Transporter