Robot Soccer

Robot Soccer

Robot Soccer RC


To improve teamwork and evaluate participants’ ability to design robots with high stability and the ability to control robots to play soccer.

2.     Robot Specification

  • Maximum size(Lenght x Height x Width) = 20 x 20 x 20 cm

  • Robots are prohibited to transform into another form after the match

  • Robots are not allowed to Stain or damage the arena

  • Maximum voltage allowed is 12 V DC

  • The weight and number of motors used are not limited

  • Robots are not allowed to danger others at the match arena or around

  • The use of a kit is

3.     Field     

3.1. Kind of field

There is only one kind of field for all sub-leagues. 

3.2. Dimensions of the field 

The playing-field is 122 cm by 183 cm. The field is marked by a white line which is part of the playing-field. Around the playing-field, beyond the white line, is anouter area of 30 cm width. The floor near the exterior wall  includes a wedge, which is an incline with a 10 cm base and 1 cm rise for allowing the ball to roll back into play when it leaves the playing field. Total dimensions of the field, including the outer area, are 182 cm by 243 cm. 

3.3.    Walls 

Walls are placed all around the field, including behind the goals and the out-area.The height of the walls is 10 cm. The walls are painted matte black.    

3.4.    Goals  

The field has two goals, centered on each of the shorter sides of the playing field. The goal inner space is 60cm width, 10 cm high and 74 mm deep, box shaped. It has a cross-bar on top (to prevent robots from entering the goal and to allow checking if the ball scored). The goal “posts” are positioned over the white line marking the limits of the field. The cross-bar is exactly over the white line. The interior walls and the cross-bar of each goal  are painted, one goal yellow, the other goal blue. The exterior (including the goal post and frame) are painted black (see the field diagrams). 

3.5.    Floor 

The floor consists of green carpet on top of a hard level surface. The carpet should be of a quality that will resist the wear and tear of spinning wheels. All straight lines on the field should be painted and have a width of 20 mm.       

3.6.    Neutral spots

There are five neutral spots defined in the field. One is in the center of the field. The other four area djacent to each corner, located 45 cm along the long edge of the field, aligned with each goal post towards the middle of  the field (from the goal post). The neutral spots can be drawn with a thin black marker. The neutral spots ought to be of circular shape measuring 1 cm in diameter. 

3.7.    Center circle

A center circle will be drawn on the field. It is 60 cm in diameter. It is a thin black marker line. It is there for Referees and Captains as guidance during kick-off.  

3.8.    Penalty areas

In front of each goal there is a 30 cm wide and 90 cm long penalty area. The penalty areas are marked by a black line of 20 mm width. The line is part of the area. A robot is considered inside the Penalty Area when it is completely inside.  

3.9.    Lighting and Magnetic Conditions

The fields should be placed in a way that the influence by external infrared light is as low as possible and that the magnetic field of the earth is disturbed as little as possible. Perfect conditions cannot be guaranteed, however. Teams must come to tournaments being prepared to calibrate their robots based on the lighting and magnetic conditions at the venue.

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Robot Soccer Auto

1. TEAM     

1.1.       Regulations 

A team should have more than one member to form a WIRC 2023  team to participate in the International event. A team member(s) and/or robot(s) cannot be shared between teams. Maximum team size is 5 members for WIRC 2023 . 

Each team must have a captain. The captain is the person responsible for communication with referees. The team can replace its captain during the competition. Team is allowed to have only the fewest possible members  beside the field  during game play : they will usually be the captain and an assistant team member. 

1.2.       Violations 

Teams that do not abide by the rules are not allowed to participate.  Any person close to the playing field is not allowed to wear any orange ,yellow or blue clothes that can be seen by the robots (to avoid interference). A referee can require a team member to change clothes ortobereplaced by another team member if interference is suspected. The referee can interrupt a game in progress if any kind of interference from spectators is suspected (color  clothing, IR emitters, camera flashes, mobile phones, radios, computers, etc.). This needs to be proved by an OC member if a claim is placed by the other team. A team claiming that their  robot is affected by colors has to show the proof/evidence of the interference. 


We are discussing general rules using the RCJ-05 electronic ball. Use of a passive orange ball willb etested and evaluated in games outside of the regular games. However, if teams wish to use vision-equipped robots during regular games, they should be allowed to do so. A regular game could be played using the passive orange ball if both teams involved in the match are in  agreement.     

2.1.        Number of robots / substitution

Each team is allowed to have at most two robots. The substitution of robots during the competition with in the team or with other teams is for bidden. 

2.2.       Interference

Robots are not allowed to be coloredorange, yellow or blue in order to avoid interference.Orange, yellow or blue parts used in the construction of the robot must either be occluded by other parts from the perception by other robots or be taped/painted with a neutral color. 

The robot must not emit infrared light. However, opticalsensors (e.g.infrared-distance-sensors) may be used as long as they do not affect other robots. This needs to be proved by a referee or an OC member if a claim is placed by the other team. 

Infrared light reflecting materials must not be used on the outside. If robots are painted, they must be painted matte. Minor parts that reflect infrared light could be used as long as other robots are not affected. A team claiming that their robot is affected by the other team’s robot reflecting infrared light has to show the proof/evidence of the interference.    

Robots must not produce magnetic interference in other robots on the field. This needs to be proved by a referee or an OC member if a claim is placed by the other team.

2.3.       Control

The use of remote control of any kind is not allowed during the match . Robots must be started manually by humans and be controlled autonomously.     


2.4.        Commnication 

Robots are not allowed to use any kind of communication during game play unless the communication between two robots is via Bluetooth class 2 or class 3 (range shorter than 20 meters) or via ZigBee. Teams are responsible for their communication. The availability of frequencies cannot be guaranteed.    

2.5.       Agility

Robots must be constructed and programmed in away that their movement is not limited to only one dimension  (that means on eaxis). They must move in all directions, for example by turning. Robots must respond to the ball in a direct forward movement. For example, it is not enough to basically just move left and right in front of their  own goal, but also to move directly towards the ball in a forward movement. At least one team robot must be able to seek and approach the ball anywhere on the field,unless the team has only one robot on the field at that time. 

Robots must be constructed and programmed in away that they do not enter the goal. Robots are allowed to use the cross-bar in order to avoid entering the goal. This rule applies to all the robots on the field. 


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